
My online courses

Agriculture, Economics and Nature. A free six-week online course available on Coursera and FutureLearn. Provides an introduction to agricultural economics and natural resource economics. Around 80,000 people have enrolled in the course since 2015.

“A learning experience that I’ll never forget. The content was meticulously thought out. Well outlined, which makes learning easier and relatable.”

“This course doesn’t just give you theory but practical knowledge of how you can improve your skills and expertise. I’ve gained so much as a first time learner in agriculture.”

Applied Benefit: Cost Analysis. A 12-week micro-credential course available through the University of Western Australia. Build your BCA expertise and gain the practical skills you need to undertake a complex Benefit: Cost Analysis. For details of content, timing and pricing or to enroll see here.

“A fantastic program and course. It is by far the best course I have been involved in. I learned so much and there is still lots to learn which you have shared with links so I can return to refresh/learn as needed.”

“Required for aspiring practitioners.”

“Taught in an engaging way with many real-world examples to demonstrate the theory and practical application.”

Introduction to Benefit: Cost Analysis. Brief introductory course in 10 videos, totalling 1 hour 14 minutes. Click here.

My research projects

INFFER project (Investment Framework for Environmental Resources)

Rural Practice Change (about adoption of new practices)

ADOPT: Adoption and Diffusion Outcome Prediction Tool

Public: Private Benefits Framework

Economics of water-sensitive cities

Resources for agri-environmental schemes

External links

Centre for Environmental Economics and Policy at the University of Western Australia.

Natural Decisions, my consulting company together with Anna Roberts and Geoff Park.

UWA’s Agricultural and Resource Economics Facebook page@AREatUWA on Twitter.

AgEcon Search: a repository of research papers and reports in agricultural and applied economics.

IDEAS: database of economics papers hosted by RePEc.

Other blogs that focus on environmental and resource economics or agricultural economics or interesting applied economics

Environmental Economics: Economists on Environmental and Natural Resources, Tim Haab (Ohio State University) and John Whitehead (Appalachian State University)

Environmental and Urban Economics, Matthew Kahn (UCLA) and Cong Sun

Marc F. Bellemare, Agricultural and applied economics – without apology

Jason Collins, a very thoughtful blog mainly on behavioural economics

Golf limericks

My web site for the Guinness and Chips Golf Club.

My music

Here’s my e.p. Option Value available on bandcamp. Recorded 1999-2000, released 31 August 2023.