Economics, Latest

382. BCA challenges: Who benefits? Who pays?

Here is the fifth video extract from my workshop called “Benefit-Cost Analysis: Traps, Challenges and Best Practice” presented on 7 February 2022, as part of the Australasian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Annual Conference. It is about how to address the distribution of benefits and costs amongst stakeholders. 

In this extract from the workshop, I talk about the two main approaches that have been proposed for representing the distribution of benefits and costs amongst stakeholders in a BCA. One is to apply weights to the benefits and costs depending on which group in society they accrue to. This is rarely done in practice. The other is to provide tables and graphs that show which stakeholders or groups receive how much of each type of benefit and pay how much of the costs. This is often helpful to decision makers and should be considered part of a best-practice approach.

Like all of the presentations in this series, it draws on my 12-week online micro-credential course on Applied BCA. This video is about 7  minutes long.

Brief introductory course on BCA

If you are new to BCA, here is a very introductory course, in 10 videos totalling 1 hour 14 minutes.

Comprehensive set of courses on Applied BCA

I invite you to consider enrolling in my three 4-week online courses on Applied Benefit: Cost Analysis, covering The Essentials, Measuring Benefits and Practical Issues. Build your BCA expertise and gain the practical skills you need to undertake a complex Benefit: Cost Analysis. Online: high-quality video lectures and interviews, live workshops. No existing economics background required.

Discounts are available for bulk enrolments and for enrolments from selected countries. Bursaries (with a discount of 90%) are also available for enrolments from selected countries.

For information on content, pricing, and how to apply for discounts or a bursary download this flier:
Applied BCA Flier v8 . For details of the content of each course, see PD385.

The course runs starting in late February and late July each year. To enrol, click here or on the image at left, and go to the Business and Commerce section.

“A fantastic program and course. It is by far the best course I have been involved in. I learned so much and there is still lots to learn which you have shared with links so I can return to refresh/learn as needed.”

“Essential for new BCA users.”

“Taught in an engaging way with many real-world examples.”